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Download Your Free Copy Of ”THE 7 ‘MUST DO’ TO LOSE WEIGHT AT WORK” CHECKLIST And Get Ready To Discover: 

Caloric Deficit

Without maintaining caloric deficit we cannot lose weight. Learn the simple techniqeus that help professionals to control their calories almost effortlessly.


Lack of proper hydration can make your weight loss nearly impossible. Learn how to stay properly hydrated and the techniques that will make it easy achievable on daily basis.

Meal Planning

Not planning your meals will inevitably lead to emotional food choices that can potentially increase your cravings, anxiety, depression, and consequently lead to weight gain.

Stress Management

If you’re exposed to stress too often that can lead to series of health complications including weight gain. Learn the advanced techniques that will help you controll your stress levels.

Activity Tracking

Understand that activity at work (like steps) is not hard and you don’t have to waste unnecessary time to make a significant progress. Discover the tools that will help you track your progress.

Macronutrient Balance

Eating the wrong ratio of carbs, fats and proteins is one of the most common reasons for poor weight management. Learn the right habits and techniques that will set you on the right track.


For Men who want to lose weight but are struggling to do it because of any of the following: 

  • Busy Lifestyle: A very common struggle for many of us is that sometimes we feel like the time is not enough and we have to sacrifice important things like our own health and fitness for the sake of other responsibilities.
  • Stressful Life: Having too stressful life can make managing our emotions nearly impossible. At the same time that stress will continue worsening our physical conditions and that will progressively make it worst in future.
  • ​Wrong Environment: Sometimes at the place we work or spend the most of our day we don’t have access to healthy foods and on top of that we might have the negative influence or the people around us. This can be very challenging to deal with.
  • Lack Of Understanding: Not knowing what we need to do is not a bad thing because it means you acknowledge that you have to ask the experts. Nevertheless not knowing and doing nothing about it will lead to exactly the same results that you’ve been having for years.
  • Poor Self Control: Self control is a virtue that often needs to be mastered through practice but sometimes our efforts are not enough. What I see as an expert but most people don’t is that our hormonal balance will directly influence our decisions and we have almost no control against that. The good news is that we can prevent the hormonal disbalance by following a simple set of rules on daily basis.

Once you download this comprehensive checklist you will feel empowered and equipped to tackle your weight loss goals. This “Must Do’s” Checklist is specifically designed for busy men in business like yourself, providing you with a clear and actionable plan to follow in order to lose weight and improve your overall health.

When you follow this checklist every day, you will feel like you already have a fitness coach by your side. It will remove the confusion and will provide clarity about all factors that will affect your progress. You will learn that by making some small changes and implementing very simple habits into your daily routine you can fast-track your weightloss like a pro.

    And This Is Where You’ll Find It 👇

    Who Is Coach PK?

    Hi! I’m Petar Krastev

    Hello, my name is Petar Krastev and I am the founder of Coach PK. In my 16 years of experience in physical development, I have dedicated the past 3 years to coaching and have helped hundreds of people achieve their health and fitness goals.

    I am also the founder of one of the largest communities for Health and Fitness professionals, which includes over 2000 leading experts in fields such as Nutrition, Fitness, Mental Health, Athletics and more. My community, called Limitless Body And Mind, was created during the pandemic of 2021 and has since provided life-changing experiences for its members. I have personally had the opportunity to ask questions and learn from some of the best in the industry, accumulating hundreds of hours of in-depth conversations with audiences of up to 1500 people at a time.

    I have taken the collective wisdom of these experts and used it to transform my own body and mindset and to guide those who seek my help.

    If you truly want to lose weight and create a healthy lifestyle, I encourage you to follow the 7 Must Do’s and put in the effort to implement them.

    Don’t hesitate and grab your free copy! Take Action!

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